In 1993, Lake St. George Brewing Company opened its doors as the 6th brewery to operate in Maine. Started by Danny McGovern and his partner, Kellon Thames, the beer was brewed in the McGovern's basement on a 7 bbl system. There was no tasting room, no packaged product and all accounts were draft only. In between brew days and CIPs Danny would deliver beer along the coast of Maine from Portland to Belfast during a time when most folks had never heard of IPA’s or Oatmeal Stouts. In the 90's, craft beer held only 2% of the market share, and so a tough choice was made after a few years to decommission the brewery even as the beer was winning awards at the World Beer Festival.

Dan moved on to brew beer for Belfast Bay Brewing Company, and when this brewery sold its system to Marshall Wharf Brewing, Danny went with it. In 2012, Dan and his daughter Mary, along with her husband Matt, opened a brewery on Monhegan Island. With Mary and Dan creating the recipes and brewing and Matt managing the day to day operations, Monhegan Brewing has become a cherished part of island life. Stemming from that success and the fun we’ve all had with it, we felt it was time to bring back the brewery where this all started.
The resurrection of Lake St. George Brewing Company involves the whole family. Six partners, Danny and his wife Carol, daughters Mary and Elizabeth, and sons-in-law Matt and Jeffrey are the driving force behind the brewery. Things are a little different now than they were back then. The new Lake St. George is geared toward comfort and relaxation while sampling our beers, and there is plenty of room for Dan’s beloved Newlands Brewhouse.
Our goals are simple: give people the best beer we know how to make and a nice spot in the country to drink it. We hope that your visit to our family brewery will be a whole experience. From a quick tour of the facility, to our outside picnic area, or a warm spot in the loft as winter roars, our brewery has a place for you to enjoy a pint during all of Maine’s seasons. We’re proud to be in Liberty, just a stones throw from the pristine waters of Lake St. George, in a community we love, amidst the ridges and valleys of Midcoast Maine.
Look for the Loon!

Lake St. George Brewing Company opened its doors as the 6th brewery to operate in Maine. The beer was brewed in the McGovern's sunroom on a system of mostly converted dairy tanks and second hand fermenters. There was no tasting room, no packaged product and all accounts were draft only.
After the closure of the original Lake St. George, Dan moved on to brew beer for Belfast Bay Brewing Company in Belfast, Maine. Belfast Bay is still known for Dan's Lobster Ale and McGovern's Oatmeal Stout.
Dan Became the head brewer at Marshall Wharf Brewing Company in Belfast, Maine. It was at Marshall Wharf that Danny really made his mark on the Maine beer industry with beer big in flavor and ABV such as Can't Dog Imperial Pale Ale and Sexy Chaos Imperial Stout.
Dan and his daughter Mary Weber, along with her husband Matt, opened a brewery on Monhegan Island. Now, more than 10 years later, Monhegan Brewing has become a cherished part of island life.
Lake St. George Brewing Company reopened in its current location as the 96th brewery in the state. The resurrection of Lake St. George Brewing Company involved the whole family and brought Danny McGovern's brewing story full circle with a line up of beers that have only gotten better over time.
With a land purchase, the brewery gained direct access to Lake St. George. Guests can arrive by water and tie up at the brewery dock, or pull up on snowmobile and ATV in the winter months.
More than half of the malt used for beer production will be purchased from Maine maltsters at Blue Ox and the Maine Malthouse. This means that every beer contains Maine grains. Furthermore, Kerplunk Blueberry Sour will be made from all Maine ingredients.
The completion of an off-site solar project will provide enough energy to power all brewing operations making production, packaging, and tap room operations more sustainable and better for our planet.

Danny went from a high school kid brewing in his parents' Indianapolis, Indiana basement, to the head brewer at multiple Maine breweries, and now the owner of two breweries in Maine: Monhegan Brewing Company on Monhegan Island, and Lake St. George Brewing Company in Liberty. He is considered a Maine brewing legend who now, in his own words, works for his two daughters having mentored them into the brewing industry. Danny is known in the beer and brewing community for clean traditional styles, delicate flavors and has a particular love for big, boozy beers. Having a favorite beer would be like picking a favorite daughter. It depends on the day!
Danny McGovern
Elizabeth is an assistant brewer, tap room manager, business manager, co-owner, and Danny's daughter. She developed an appreciation for craft beer well before it was a craze by sitting at the kitchen table with family sampling and discussing beer. It was not her intention to brew, but when Lake St. George opened in 2017, it felt like a natural progression to learn the process as an apprentice to her father. It is her goal to one day brew with the humble confidence Danny brings to each brew. Elizabeth's favorite beer is a traditional Kölsch with elegant nuanced flavor that highlights a honey-like finish. In other words, Headwaters Kölsch.
Elizabeth Johnston
Jeffrey is an assistant brewer and the brewery operations manager. When he married into the McGovern family, he didn't expect to become a brewer or business owner, but he quickly became the glue that holds the brewery together. He brought his skills from a previous career as an aircraft mechanic to the brewhouse, and works tirelessly to keep equipment running efficiently. He is also the driving force behind the solar project that will completely power the brewery by 2025. Having grown up in a Dominican family, he still appreciates a cold Presidente pilsner, but now calls No. 96 IPA his favorite beer.
Jeffrey Johnston
work and brew alongside each other as the working owners of Lake St. George Brewing Company. But wait, there are more! Carol McGovern, Danny's wife, Mary Weber, Danny's other daughter, and her husband Matt Weber, are owners making this a full family adventure.
Danny, Elizabeth, and Jeffery...
Lake St. George Brewing Company is a family operation!
Thank you for your interest in joining the Lake St. George Brewing Company team. While we currently don't have any open positions, we are always on the lookout for passionate individuals who share our love for crafting great beers. Check back soon for future opportunities or reach out to us to submit your resume for future consideration.
4 Marshall Shore Rd,
Liberty, ME 04949